EU Research & Innovation
Programme Opportunities

European Innovation Ecosystem: European Partnerships for Innovative SMEs

Snapshot overview: Aimed at SMEs whose solutions are close to market


Name: European Innovation Ecosystem: European Partnerships for Innovative SMEs


Institution/ DG/ Agency responsible at EU-level: European Innovation Council (Horizon Europe) and Eureka Association


Work programme: TBD


Programme: Grants


Programme budget:  EUR 4.50 million


Project budget:  Overall indicative budget EUR 12.40 million  with an expected EU contribution per project of around EUR 1.50 million. Three projects will be funded.


Type of funding : Bottom-up, but with reinforcement from thematic calls and other support measures


Target participants:  A cooperation of 2 or more international partners, with at least one research and innovation SME as a leader


Programme scope: Close-to-market SME-led collaborative research, innovation, and development


Participant criteria:

  • Consortia must have at least three independent legal entities, of which at least one is established in ‘modest’ or ‘moderate’ innovator region and at least one in ‘strong’ or ‘innovation leader’ innovator region
  • The Regional Innovation Scoreboard is taken as a reference, and in the case of entities representing national authorities, the European Innovation Scoreboard. The applicants must use as a reference the latest version of the documents mentioned above at the time of the call closure.
  • Associated Countries which are not included in the European Innovation Scoreboard and are ranked below 25 on the Global Innovation Index 2020 are considered as ‘moderate’ or ‘modest innovators.
  • In cases of Associated Countries not included in any of the previously mentioned references, the participation rank of the country in the Horizon Europe programme (H2020 country profile) will be taken as a reference and countries ranked below the average will be considered as ‘moderate’ or ‘modest innovators’
  • Legal entities established in ‘Widening countries’ under Horizon may join already selected actions, subject to the agreement of the respective consortium and provided that legal entities from such countries are not yet participating in it


Project duration: TBD


Average time from submission to project kick-off: TBD


R&D stage: Late stage, close to market


Intellectual property:  TBD


Project database: EU Funding & Tender Opportunities portal – Single Electronic Data Interchange Area (SEDIA)


Status: Draft Work Programme yet to be accepted


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